Saturday, November 24, 2012

Feyenuh Urtuhs

I am doing a Fine Arts - Sculpture minor. Here are my first two fine arts pieces ever. They were super fun to work on. I've done woodworking stuff my whole life because my dad had a woodshop in our garage when I was growing up. He is a proponent of hands on stuff and I think it's a good quality for people to have; knowing how to build stuff. All of the stuff I did growing up and this fine arts stuff definitely helps with my 3D work too. It's a different but the same, y'know? There are a lot of concepts that carry between the two disciplines.


  1. cool, interesting forms. first one looks super pointy, be safe. you may want to get a better picture of the snake at the bottom. How do you treat that wood, does it need treatment to stay semi-permanent?

    1. Thanks! I already had to move the giant spike so no one would get speared. On the spike sculpture I treated some parts of the wood with a dark, polyurethane stain, but that was mainly for aesthetic reasons. I want the wood to get weathered naturally just from being outside. The 'snake' piece should be coated in something to keep the wood nice. I will probably use something like this - . A lot of finishing wax doesn't change the color of the wood too much, which is what I would want.
