Sunday, October 14, 2012

Print n Play - Brainstorming

I was having a bit of trouble getting started with an idea for a game. Instead of focusing so quickly on a specific game with a solid theme and mechanics, I decided to just start writing things down. To begin I just started writing things down I liked about other print and play, and board games I have played.  The list included things like: strategy, die roll combat, resource gathering, evolving playable space, customization of your pieces (attacking force/fleet/army), two player, turn based, eliminate the opposing force to win.
     Two players will be competing to destroy the enemy's base heart.There are resources that must be gathered for each player to perform certain functions. There are five different classes that may be in play. Each player starts with a gatherer and an attacker piece. The gatherers collects one resource at a time and returns them to base, which will be kept track of by each player (possible tokens). The attackers, well, attack.  Three different types of classes can be chosen to be put into play. A +1 attacker, a +1 defense, and a ranged attack unit.
     Setup: The players take a starting gatherer and attacker piece and place them in their own base heart.
     Sequence of Play: At the beginning of each turn a player may decide to spend resources to spawn new units in their base heart. After the spawning phase there is the movement and combat phase.
          [Movement] - The player will roll a 12-sided die.  The player may choose to move any unit any number of times as long as the total moved spaces is less than or equal to the number rolled. Example: I rolled a 7. I can choose to move one unit 7 spaces. Or I could choose to move two units 1 space and another unit 5 spaces, which would equal a total of 7 moves. One unit 3 spaces and another unit 4 spaces, etc. Any piece can move forward, backward, and side-to-side (this could change depending on board layout, grid space shape, etc.)
          [Combat] - To engage in combat, the attacking unit must be in a space adjacent to the defending piece and spend 1 resource. Only exception is the ranged attack, if a player should choose to spawn one. Ranged attackers must be 2 or 1 grid spaces away from defender. The attacker rolls the die first. The defender must roll a number higher than the attackers to survive. Tie goes to the defender. If the attacker wins, the defender piece is taken off the board. If the defender wins nothing happens. The attacker may choose to attack as many times as they want in a turn as long as they keep spending resources for each attack.  There are bonuses given to certain spawnable pieces. The +1 attack unit gets +1 to their die roll. The +1 defense unit gets +1 to their die roll. The gatherer's may not indulge in battle.
          [Attacking the Heart] - Player rolls the die against the heart's HP. Each unit may only attack the heart once per turn.  The +1 attack unit's bonus is kept while attacking the heart. Players keep track of their heart's HP on a piece of paper. Starting HP 200(?). Attacker rolls an 8, the heart's HP is reduced by eight. Attacking units must be in a space immediately surrounding the heart, except for ranged attackers which must be, at the most, 3(?) spaces away from the heart.

That is the very rough structure of the game. I have many other ideas that could be possible implementations to the game. Most of these are 'what ifs...'

What if gatherers can engage in combat, or be engaged upon? Could you steal a gatherer's resource before they reach the base?
What if each class had different movement attributes?
What if you could spawn a defense barrier around your base heart?
What if there is one limited path in the beginning going to the center resource pit and you have a terraformer that can make new, unique paths to other resource pits?
What if you could only move on paths created by the terraformer?
How much should the starting base heart HP be?
How much should it cost to spawn a unit? Could each unit cost a different amount? Could the special classes cost more to spawn?
How much should it cost to engage in combat?
What if there were fate cards? (more/ less movement, defend/attack in combat more/less, carry more resource, resource transfer between player, added resource, etc.).
What if there were strategic terrain blockages?
What if the grid spaces were hexagonal instead of square?
What if there wasn't a customization of an army? Would that make the game more or less strategic?
What if the gatherers didn't have to bring the resources back to base? What if the gaining of resources was instant?
What if you could destroy paths?
What if, assuming there are terraformers, it costs a resource to change the environment and make a path? Could terraformers move anywhere? Or can they only build paths adjacent to present paths?
What if random grid spaces had secrets under them, activated only when landed upon?
What if you had to complete a mini-game (small puzzle or string of actions) before attacking the enemy heart?
What if one side was defending a base heart and the other player was attacking the base heart? A different class system would have to be set up.
What is my theme? Light vs Dark? Evil vs More Evil? Orcs, goblins, wizards, trolls, imps, pirates, zombies? Can I come up with a theme that is not so generic? ... apparently not right now.
What if it was a fight for the center rather than opponent's base? Race to capture three resource points?

I really like the idea of army customization and the evolving playable space. If I decided to have the terraformers in the game, they would be a starting piece along with attack and gatherer piece. I think after getting a rough idea for the game I would say it is a combination of the games Dungeon Keeper, Starcraft, and that print and play game I deconstructed, Space Dogfight. I have an idea for the theme based loosely on a previous game jam I did and it goes something like this: The game takes place in a lava lair. In this lava lair a dragon used to guard piles of treasure. One day the dragon disappeared and two warring factions caught wind. They go to fight each other to claim the lair and treasure as their own.  As played out as the theme is, there are parts about it I like.  Mainly the lava. I think this would be a good base for the terraformers. These two factions are fighting in this big lava lair. Each team must use their terrformers to turn the lava into walkable paths to reach resource pits and the enemy heart.  I feel like the evolving playable space is one of the more unique aspects of this game. I would like to explore more options with terraforming to create strategic paths and attack points.
     I want this game to stress the strategy of building an army to fit each game.  You must customize you fleet of minions to counter your opponents army.
A very quick layout of the starting board if terraformers are implemented. New paths can be built in any grid space.
A lot of different ideas. Need some feedback before I move on.

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