Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Set Dress

Started to set dress my grey box level using everybody's modular kits. It's soupa fun to try and figure out how to make everything work together with everyone's kits. It's a rough start but you can see where I'm going with it all.

Pretty much what I have near completion. 
 Annnnd what I have left to do. The level is cut off around the middle bridge but it's still a lot of background to throw together. I think I'll be able to get enough mileage out of the stuff we have to make everything look nice. It would be pretty rad if we could use the other class' stuff...


  1. set dressing to me means smaller props ... looks like you are setting up the sets themselves not dressing.

    door textures may need to be balanced to the contrast levels on other textures (darks to dark). look to create better transitional edges on bottom of buildings to ground level.

    1. Ah, that's interesting. The assignment was to "set dress" our level but instead, I suppose we are set setting. Hah.

      Are you saying there is too much contrast between the door textures and all of the other textures?

      Thanks, by the way, for the input.
